15 Facts Writing Facts About
Pamela Samuels-Young
Happy New Year to All!
Here are 15 facts about me as a writer.
1. Writing legal mysteries is my passion.
2. I'm a former television newswriter.
3. I'm glad my writing career began in TV news because it taught me to write quickly and concisely.
4. I'm not thrilled that my journalistic training effectively killed whatever literary talent (as opposed to commercial writing) I might have developed.
5. I can spend a weekend locked up in a hotel room and write non-stop. That's my most productive writing time.
6. I was the editor of my high school and college newspapers.
7. I type 80 words a minute.
8. I have story ideas for at least five novels in the bank.
9. I love listening to books on tape because it makes my morning and evening commutes go faster and it helps me study story structure.
10. I get lots of story ideas from my husband, who is a plumber and one of the funniest men I know.
11. I think it's important to solicit lots of feedback from "typical" readers before turning in a final draft.
12. I read more mysteries than anything else.
13. I recently read Michael Connelly's Lincoln Lawyer and wished I had written it.
14. I don't need quiet to write.
15. I like writing dialogue more than anything else.
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9 months ago
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