Happy 2009
Wow. I had no idea I've been gone for almost a month. I'm really sorry about that. Time flies when you're trying to get your act together.
How were your holidays? Did you receive any gifts that will help with your 2009 goals? Exercise equipment? Writing craft books?
I'm really jazzed. My husband bought me office furniture. Now, I can get organized, which I'm convinced will increase my productivity. I also received a very generous Borders gift card from my father-in-law. I'll use it to buy at least one craft book.
Speaking of 2009 goals, this is the fifth day of the New Year. How are you doing with your goals?
I haven't written as much as I'd hoped. Perhaps my weekly page count is too ambitious, but I don't think that's the case. I just have to get more focused and remember this first draft doesn't have to be perfect. It just has to give me content to work with; a direction for the story, which I can fine tune during the revisions.
So, how are you doing with your goals?
In Memoriam: Janet Reid
9 months ago
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