Writing with a Day Job
By Patricia Sargeant
On one of my writers loops, there we had a really great discussion about writing with a day job. Since most of us don't make enough from our publishing contracts to support ourselves, we have to keep the day job.
Now don't get me wrong. Especially in this economy, I drop to my knees every day and give thanks and praise for that regular paycheck. But juggling a demanding full-time job, a family, personal commitments and a publishing deadline can get hairy.
A lot of really great suggestions and ideas came from that discussion. Writing during your lunch hour. Writing before work, if you're a morning person. Writing at night, if you're not.
Some people carry tape recorders. Others carry notepads.
Discipline is key. For me, at the end of the day, it's important to have written a certain number of pages to stay on schedule. Whether I'm writing in the morning, during lunch or at night.
How do you juggle writing with your day job?
In Memoriam: Janet Reid
9 months ago
Using my digital recorder more. I don't write long hand because of muscle weakenss so I'm thinking about getting one of those tiny little laptops so I have a computer with me at all times. I'm behind schedule. I'll take a week off work to catch up some.
Hi, Rhonda! How are you? It's great to "see" you. :)
My critique partner just bought one of those tiny laptops. She loves it.
Good luck with your work in progress!
I do use a handheld recorder to dictate into when driving or walking for exercise. I label my tapes carefully (one project per tape).
I also have Dragon software to dictate without typing (I'm a medical transcriptionist by profession, and even with working just part time that makes for a lot of typing).
Writing is probably last on my priority list, but somehow it all gets done!
Hi, Bettye!
Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your Writing with a Day Job tips with us.
Best wishes for success with your April release, A New Kind of Bliss.
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